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Progressive Rendering of Patterns
by Sally in

One of our Thread Bears brought a pattern to me that was printed in a Handy Hands Newsletter from Spring and Summer of 2010.  He was having a terrible time working through the archaic language that the pattern was written in.

While I found that I didn't have any problems reading the pattern, I did, however have to take a step back from the pattern and simply read it aloud.  What I found was this pattern, taken from a Penelope Tatting Book from the early part of the 20th Century, was a narrative.  It had been written as though someone was dictating the story of how they had constructed the motif, rather than as directions for repeating the process. 

For the sake of the rest of the person who brought me the pattern as well as the rest of the group, I chose to re-write it, taking the same pattern and wording it as pattern authors would have during the past 100 years.

The pattern looked like this:

The first set of directions is seen above.  From here I translated the pattern this way:

Ds = double stitch(s)       R = Ring                P = picot lp = long picot                  Ch = chain           j  =  join
SS = Switch Shuttles        Cl = Close             + = join
SR = Split Ring                    -- = long picot           
RW = reverse work        
DNRW = Do not reverse work

Long Hand rendition:

Center Ring to First Round:
R 1, 2 & 3: 4ds, p, 4ds, lp, 4 ds, p, 4ds; cl R.  * 4ds, j to last p of previous ring, lp, 4 ds, p, 4ds; cl R.*  Repeat from * to *.   
Ring 4:  4ds, j to last p of previous ring,4ds, p, 4ds, j to first p of 1st ring.  Tie, cut & hide ends.
Round 1:  SR 3ds, p, 3ds / 3ds, p, 3ds, cl R.  Ch:  4ds, p, 4 ds. RW.   (Using core thread shuttle) R: 3ds, j to p of 2nd side of previous SR, 3ds, j to mock picot between previous 2 SRs, 3ds, p, 3ds, cl R, RW. SS  * Ch: 4ds, p, 2ds, p, 2ds, p, 4ds, RW. SS. R: 3ds, p, 3ds, j to lp of next R of Center Ring, 3ds, p, 3ds, cl R. RW.  SS. Ch: 4ds, p, 4ds, RW. SS. R: 3ds, j to last p of previous ring, 3 ds, j to lp of same Center Ring as previous R, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl R. RW. SS *  Repeat from * to * twice more.  Ch: 4ds, p, 2ds, p, 2ds, p, 4ds. Tie, cut and hide ends. 
Round 2:  R: 4ds, p, 4ds, j to p of 4ds-p-4ds-ch between any 2 joined rings on previous round; 4ds, p, 4ds, cl R, RW. SS.  Ch: 4ds, p, 4ds, RW. SS.  R: 4ds, j to last p of previous R, 4ds, j to same p as previous R, 4ds, p, 4ds, cl R, RW, SS. Ch: 4ds, p, 3ds, p, 3ds, p, 4ds, RW. SS.  * R: 4ds, p, 4ds, j to middle p of 3p-ch between next 2 joined rings on previous round; 4ds, p, 4ds, cl R, RW. SS. Ch: 4ds, p, 4ds, RW. SS.  R: 4ds, p, 4ds, j to same p as previous R, 4ds, p, 4ds, cl R, RW, SS. Ch: 4ds, p, 3ds, p, 3ds, p,  4ds, RW. SS.  R: 4ds, p, 4ds, j to p of 4ds-p-4ds-ch between next 2 joined rings on previous round; 4ds, p, 4ds, cl R, RW. SS.  Ch: 4ds, p, 4ds, RW. SS.  R: 4ds, p, 4ds, j to same p as previous R, 4ds, p, 4ds, cl R, RW, SS. *  Repeat from * to * 3 more times. Ch: 4ds, p, 3ds, p, 3ds, p, 4ds. J to beginning of next R. Tie, cut & hide ends.

Short Hand Rendition:

Center Ring:
R 1, 2 & 3: 4-4—4-4; cl R.  * 4+ to last p of previous ring, --4-4; cl R.*  Repeat from * to *.
R 4:  4+ to last p of previous ring,4- 4 + to first p of 1st ring.  Tie, cut & hide ends.
Round 1:  R: 3-3 + to --  of any R of Center Ring 3-3, cl R. SS. Ch: 4-4 RW SS. R: 3+to1st p prev R, 3+to same -- of Center Ring to which last R was attached 3-3, cl R, SS.  *Ch: 4-2-2-4, RW, SS.  R: 3-3+to -- of next R of Center Ring, 3-3 cl R, RW, SS.  Ch: 4-4, RW, SS. *  Repeat from * to * twice more.  Ch: 4-2-2-4.  Tie, cut & hide ends.
Round 2:  R: 4-4+(to p between 2 joined rings on prev round)4-4, cl R RW. SS.  Ch: 4-4, RW, SS.  R: 4+to last p prev R, 4 + to same p on Round 1 as prev R, 4-4, cl R, RW. SS. * Ch: 4-3-3-4, RW, SS.  R: 4-4 +to middle p of next Ch on Round 1, 4-4, RW. SS.  Ch: 4-4, RW, SS.  R: 4+to last p prev R, 4 + to same p Round 1 as previous R, 4-4, cl R, RW. SS. Ch: 4-4 + to p next Ch, 4-4, RW. SS.  R: 4+to last p prev R, 4 + to same p on Round 1 as prev R, 4-4, cl R, RW. SS.   * Repeat from * to * x 3.  Ch: 4-3-3-4.  +to base of 1st R.  Tie, cut & hide ends.



I hope this helps tatters understand the language of older patterns 



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