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Weather, Blogger & Pinterest
by Sally in , ,

So...  the weather must have been pretty bad all over the country the past few days.  I hadn't been to Pinterest in a while and decided to take a look since I was saving some links there for future use.  There were hundreds of new pins!  I was amazed at the number and the variety of them!  Certainly there were some lovely tatting patterns and examples, but many other items from pinners I follow, as well as gardening blogs, animal sites, feeds with promotional tips and technical material and more!  Of course this gives me a lot of information to work with regarding my other avocations and I'm always glad for that.

Inspiration is sometimes hard to come by for blogging.  Yes, it's about me, our tatting group, Our Fair Town and more, but even so inspiration can come with certain difficulty.  These visuals and information links are very helpful

Now I can expect an increase in the numbers of [good] pins when the weather is bad  < Wikked Evil Grin >


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